
2025 Reardan Mule Days

Saturday – June 7th 2025

Online Registration VENDOR
Registration for 2025 Vendors Open Now!



List 2025 Vendors (list updated weekly) – Click here—>  Great things to Buy on June 1st 2025


Vendor Map for spaces and parking will be provided on Saturday morning..   …….

Need to find your way around town see our Town  MAP


All booth assignments will be given out on Saturday morning during check-in

Come to Mule Days and enjoy the many vendors and commercial exhibitors set up in and around the City Park and nearby streets. We welcome you to our Annual Reardan Mule Days celebration. Our event is one day only – the first Saturday in June. Vendors and exhibits are in the city park and surrounding streets where there will be more aisle space for those attending. You will see an outstanding array of artistic talents that promises to be the largest craft fair in our history!  If you are a vendor and want to rent a space please read the rules and regulations below.

Booth Assignment and Type

All exhibitors and vendors are outside and will be located in the Reardan City Park, on the streets around town, or in Roberts Park (where kid activities are). You will need to provide your own tents and they should have weights to secure them in case of winds, no stakes are allowed.

Booth assignment is based on first come basis when you register. All booth assigned location will be given to you on Saturday morning during check-in,  booth location will not be provided prior to Mule Days. To see the Vendor Map contact the Vendor Chairman.  The commit­tee reserves the right to determine booth locations to avoid similar products or services from being next to each other and to reduce conflicting crowd lines. It is the discretion of the Chairman to limit the number of booths devoted to a particular craft/product. You must set-up at your assigned booth location, no exceptions.  If you need special accommodations, contact the Vendor Chairman immediately.  see our contact page  for the Vendor Chairman and Co-Chairman.

SPECIAL REQUEST:  Reardan Mule Days Association is requesting that Vendors do not sell a Mule Days T-shirt or a Mule Days Hat which is in direct competition to the Reardan Mule Days event souvenirs sold. If you need clarification, please as the Chairman.


Registration may be done by registering and paying online OR printing a registration form and mailing the form in along with your payment.  Mailing and payment information are on the registration form.

—- ONLINE REGISTRATION CLOSES May 27th at 9pm – LATE registration you must call for availability —

Mail in applications with payment are due no later than May 27th.  You must present a copy of your paid receipt before you will be allowed to set up your booth. Fees are non-refundable. The event will be held rain or shine.

Booth Size and Fee

Booths measure 10′ x 10′.

Booth fees: Craft vendor $45, Other (non-profit) $45, Commercial vendor $75,  If you need an Additional booth the fee is $40 each.

Power is not included in your booth fee – You must provide your own power source.  

Set up and Event Hours

Setup starts Saturday at 6:00 am.  Vendor parking is noted on the map and is on first come basis. You cannot drive up to your booth location, the roads will be closed. You must carry or cart to product to your booth location.  Booths should be open following the parade that begins at 10:00 am, your booth must be ready and open for business immediately following the adult parade (Approximately 11:00 am). Booths are to remain open on Saturday until 5:00 pm or later depending on the crowd unless approved by the committee chairman, booth holders who close early may not be invited back. The parade setup starts at 8 a.m. and people will be in town and around the park. It is recommended that you do not leave your booth unat­tended.

You are required to clean up after yourself, no dumping of product on city streets in the grass, do not leave food or food product for us to clean up. 

We ask you use the dumpster provided or take your trash with you.


Exhibitor/Vendor Parking is noted on the map and is on first come basis.  There is no parking at your booth, streets are closed due to foot traffic.


The committee recommends all exhibitors carry their own insurance although it is not required to exhibit. Normal homeowner coverage may be adequate in most cases, however, you should check with your personal agent to be sure of coverage. Proof of insurance is required to be a Food Vendor during Reardan Mule Days.

FOOD VENDORS need to register on the new FOOD TRUCK ROUNTUP tab.  Also, the Lincoln County Health Department (509-725-2501) requires all food vendors to have a food permit. The Reardan Mule Days Committee is not liable for any loss or damage to exhibitor booth(s) and/or merchandise by individuals or the weather. Do not leave your booths unattended. Contact the chairman if you have any questions.


You are responsible for the Security of your product and tent.  There is no Security patrol, Mule Days takes no responsibility for lost or stolen items.

Tax & Licenses

All vendors must abide by the laws of the State of Washington and are liable to collect and pay any applicable taxes to the State of Washington as required by law. No city vendor license is required.

To see the complete Mule Days Schedule of events go to the Home Page

 If you have any questions please see our contact page
for the Vendor Chairman and Co-Chairman

Photos from Previous years –  CLICK HERE